Reposted from November 27 MDE announcement
Dear Water Supplier,
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Water Supply Program has created a webpage on MDE’s website with instructions, tools, templates, and other resources to help water systems (community and non-transient, non-community) with the new 24-hour, Tier 1 Public Notice (PN) required when the Lead Action Level (AL) is exceeded during any monitoring period.
Per MDE’s August 29, 2024, email and guidelines, the new Tier 1 Public Notification requirement for a Lead AL exceedance (ALE) went into effect on October 16, 2024, as part of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Calculation Tool
MDE has developed a calculation worksheet to assist water systems with the calculation of the Lead 90th percentile value for drinking water samples collected during a monitoring period and the determination of whether the Lead AL has been exceeded. Water systems may make use of this new tool HERE.
Templates for Tier 1 Public Notification for Lead Action Level Exceedance
Water systems may choose to use MDE’s templates, EPA’s template (as referenced in MDE’s email dated August 29, 2024), or develop their own notification as long as it meets certain requirements — Click HERE to access MDE’s webpage with instructions and templates for Tier 1 Public Notification, including timing, reporting, and method of notification.
Similar to other Tier 1 Public Notices required under the Safe Drinking Water Act, there is no requirement for MDE to review the Tier 1 Public Notice for a Lead Action Level Exceedance before it is distributed to water customers.
Please feel free to contact MDE’s Water Supply Program at SampleReports.LeadCopperRule@